Monday, February 11, 2008


had nothing to do and just decided to do some old school blog hopping.
Came across Zi's blog and was really convicted to speak on the content there.
Animal cruelty.
Why can't people just appreciate God's creations?
Skinning animals for their skins?
Come on!

Just recently during a chalet,
I went out with two of my other peers to buy some grub for the crew back in the chalet.
On the way back,
we decided to rest at a bicycle rental store.
There we saw three men using a bicycle basket as a trap, tilting it up on one side with a crumb of bread in it.
They were trying to trap some flock of pigeons and they managed to trap one unfortunate pigeon after all their efforts.
Me and another of my peer just thought that they were just having some fun and that they'll release the pigeon after the had enough.
But then my peer heard one of the guys said "Jiak, jiak?" which was in dialect.
In english it means: Eat.
My friend and I were shocked and we thought it was a joke.
But one of the guys started grabbing that poor bird by its wings, taking out a pair of sissors and aiming at its wings.
My friend told us to quickly run away.
But something in me managed to muster out enough courage to stand up to those guys and told them that it was illegal to kill or even torture animals.
In chinese of course.
When they still refused,
I threatened to call the police.
They soon abided to it and set that pigeon free.
We went off after that and I could still hear them cursing at me from a distant.
I called the SPCA and the police after in fear that they'll try out the same trick again.

Let's look at this in another context.
How would you feel if you see another creature skinning a human being alive?
that's exactly how animals feel when they see their own species exterminated.
Animals are like us;
they have a family,
they fight to survive,
they have a Father up above who cares for them.
They are not much different from us.
Why overlook them?

I still can't figure out how can human beings be so cruel to the smallest of creatures.
God created every single thing on earth for a reason.
Even the notorious mosquitoes.
If God didn't cared a hoot about the other creatures,
why did He instuct Noah to build the ark in the first place?
He should tell Noah to build a sampan instead if He just wants to save Noah's life alone.
"And of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. Of the birds after their kind, of animals after their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth after it's kind, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive."
- Genesis 6:19-20

It is us who are the animals,
not them.

Pledge to go fur-free at
SPCA hotline: 62875356

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