Thursday, February 14, 2008

Swing Till Your Final Breath.

This post is not about love though it is posted on valentines' day.
my valentines' date was a guy and it's not because I'm a gay,
but it is because I am the type of guy who does not believe in valentines' day as being just one day.
I believe that if you truly love someone,
you would not just dress to impress or buy roses or write mushy cards for that person for that one day alone.
To me,
it should be an everyday event.
And it's not only to the person you like that you show extra love and concern for,
but to your friends as well.
that's my take on valentines' day.

I've been sitting around pondering about life and how much worse this world is becoming.
It leads me to the question of what best decribes life.
Many people would use the analogy of a roller-coaster or a carousel where it's all about the ups and downs of life.
I however have a different perspective of life.
In my point of view,
I feel that life is like a super heavy swing and what you choose to do to it.

Type One:
You can be the type of person who sees a swing,
sits on it and after seeing that you don't have the strength to swing it,
spins it round and round, entangling the rings holding the swing,
and release it after.

Type Two:
You can also be the type of person who sees a swing,
sits on it and after seeing that you don't have the strength to swing it,
accepts and surrenders to the fact that you can't swing it and just remain seated on it.

Type Three:
Or you can be the type of person who sees a swing,
sits on it and after seeing that you don't have the strength to swing it,
humbly calls on a friend to push you as hard as he or she can while you paddle your legs back and forth.

Type one people are the kind who go in an everlasting circuit of sin,
causing trouble for their own life.
These are the people who are ashamed to call on for help in troubled times and when they sin,
they may ask for forgiveness but tends to repeat the feat.
Type two people are the kind who are the pessimists,
not even trying.
These are the people who are ashamed to call on for help in troubled times and they surrender to the fact that they can't do it when they do not even bother trying.
They will just live life by like this.
Type three people are the kind who know that they are weak and need help.
These are the people who count on the assistance of another person in troubled times.
They humble themselves and make the effort to complete with the assistance.

You see my friends,
most of you are living as the type one and type two people who dare not try,
who are afraid of some mayhem to happen.
You guys would just keep it within yourself when you have a problem.
But eventually,
the problems will just keep piling and you'll find it hard to carry on in life.
Then you'll fall into sin;
pornography, alcohol etc,
or even get into relationships just to make you feel better.
If you can humble yourselves and take that leap of faith by trusting the only one person who can save you from eternal condemnation,
Jesus Christ,
you'll be able to really see the greater things in life over the horizon when you're up that swing.
I am not trying to be holy again,
but I post these because I care and love you guys.
You guys may hate me and what I'm doing,
but I do not care or hate you back.
I am not just referring to non-Christians,
but to Christians as well.

There are Christians who haven't been living the way they should be.
There are Christians who have died.
But I know that one day,
they'll be back.
I just do not wish to see my Christian friends to ever backslide,
even though some are on the verge of doing so.
It's also your choice of how you'll want to swing.
Someone may have pushed you already,
but if you do not take the effort and hardwork to paddle back and forth,
you'll still go back to square one and you'll be no different from what you were initially.
But there is yet another choice;
humbly ask that person to push you once again (and you know that person will always and forever be at your assistance if you ask).
If you claim that you're a Christian and not living like one,
you're like the type two person:
sitting on the swing and just staying there.
Take a knife and stab me if you want if you guys feel that I am rebuking you,
but come what may,
I still care for you people.
This world as we know it will be coming to an end shortly,
now's the time to jump,
and take that leap of faith by trusting Jesus Christ with all your problems.
He saved us once,
and He'll save us once again.

"With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
- Matthew 19:26

So are you going to swing or not?

RGEN, please do not die...please.

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