Friday, September 28, 2007

To God Be The Glory

So i didnt went to school today as i didnt feel like going.
i basically studied the whole day,
with a few slacking moments.
I started out to kovan Mac at 12.30pm and studied for 1 hour before Zi came to join me.
We then studied all the way till 3.15pm when Janice came.
We continued to study and around 5pm,
Zi was hungry and wanted to eat.
But we had to wait for Eleanor,
so i told him to have faith that she's coming soon.
Apparently she came 2 hours later.
Zi was like so weary and hungry.
We rushed to the prata stall nearby and chiong'd all the prata there.
A widespread of food and we went back to Mac to study after that.
We decided to try to type the SMS into the Mac TV thingy.
So we waited and waited for our messages to appear.
Zi was fed up with waiting as our wait dragged for around 1 hour.
And during that 1 hour of wait,
the name "loudemary" kept repeating and we are all now hating that name.
Stupid loudemary.
Then there was the name Gina.
we thought of two ways pronuouncing this name.
Go figure yourselves.
So went home and now i am going over to Zi's house.
Ciaos people.
Thank you Seah for telling me that.
I believe God wants me to be more humble and use His strength instead of my own.
To God be the glory!

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