Sunday, October 7, 2007

Swinging With Me

Me and Damien were playing this cool game called Untold Legends last night.
Slept at like 4.30am last night,
or this morning.
So woke up at around 11am and continued our game.
We were late for lunch with Cheryl, Seah and Jasmine.
So were met them at burger king at velocity.
Ate while talking about certain stuffs.
After that,
went to church and i showed them my stuttering and Y-M-C-A routine.
Had pre-service prayer and service after that.
Today's sermon was about:
Being A Spiritual Warrior.
It's basically about how the evil one attacks us and how we must stand firm and resist his attacks.
In doing so,
we will triumph over it as the bible says we are more than conquerers.
Good sermon.
After service,
went for dinner and we took away Roccovo today.
I had the pork rice.
It was not bad.
Good food Seah.
went to the foodcourt and wrecked havoc again.
Settled down at around 8.30pm with Keith and Dud to study.
Went up to startbucks at around 8.45pm and studied till 10.40pm.
At around 9.30pm,
it was already just down to me and Dud.
When i left the place at 10.40pm,
Dud stayed to study more.
Apparently his mojo came into place.
Hopefully he will rest well.
So all in all,
the day was alright and i just want to thank God for speaking to me today.
Indeed Lord,

"Yes, though I walk through the valley of shade, I will have no fear of evil; for You are with me, Your rod and Your support is all I need."
- Psalms 23:4

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